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Five Articles About Blogging To Read This Weekend

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Who’s The Boss Of Your Blog?  By Darren Rowse  at

You may think you have control over your blog’s content, but to attract readers and subscribers, it’s important to pay attention to what content your readers view most.  Rowse gives some good advice on how to hand over the reins to the boss, your readers.

10 Tips For Better Blogger Outreach by Will Francis at wall

This article offers advice on how to attract readers to your blog.  Francis addresses building relationships will influencers in your niche and being sure of what you hope to accomplish with your message.  Good information if you’re new to the world of blogging.

8 Easy Ways to Be a Better Writer on Social Media (and Beyond) by Jim Belosic at

Belosic offers great tips on how to make your writing more reader friendly using bullet points and boldface type.  He also covers correct punctuation and appropriate usage of words like effect and affect.  Definitely worth the read.

How to Tell the Stories Your Audience Wants to Hear by Kelton Reid at

Reid gives tips on ways to capture ideas that can become your unique story that readers will want see.  Suggestions include getting inspiration from a variety of sources and combine them in a way that’s all your own.  He also suggests capturing random thoughts when they happen via tools like Evernote so you can refer to them later.

The Secret To Great Blog Posts by Robbi Hess at

Robbi gives good tips on posts to write to keep people interested.  Tips include teaching readers something, keeping it simple rather than using big words to try and impress the reader and article series to tease the reader and keep ’em coming back for more.


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