Pet Wellness
Does Your Vet Make House Calls?
Party Marty, here to shake up your week after an exciting Labor Day weekend! Hey…you are back at work or back to dealing with the …
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5 Tips On Getting Pills Into Your Dog
We’ve all had to deal with giving medication to our dogs at some point. If we’re lucky, our dog will take the pill with no problem….
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10 Things To Check When Shopping For Dog Treats
The number of dog treats on the market these days is growing by leaps and bounds. With so many treats to choose from, what should …
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Shopping For The Right Doggy Day Care
I have clients who were looking for a doggy day care for their two dogs, a miniature schnauzer and a bulldog puppy. They took the dogs …
Continue ReadingTwo Publications For Dog Owners You May Not Have Heard Of
I love magazines, especially ones that teach me something. If you’re a dog owner and are looking for ways to enhance your dog’s life and …
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10 Most Dog Friendly Cities
Every year, Dog Fancy Magazine recognizes the US cities that are the most dog friendly based on number of dog parks, dog-related activities, and businesses that allow dogs to visit. Here is the list of most dog-friendly cities for 2012: Bend, Oregon Bozeman, Montana Annapolis, Maryland Seattle, Washington Alexandria, Virginia Bangor, Maine Falmouth, Massachusetts Fargo, […]
Continue ReadingTracheal Collapse In Toy Breed Dogs
Toy breed dogs, particularly Chihuahuas, Toy Poodles, Pomeranians and Yorkies are especially prone to collapse of the trachea. The condition usually appears in dogs age six or older, with those overweight dogs at very high risk. Tracheal collapse occurs because the rings of the trachea, which should be C-shaped, don’t have normal rigidity. Because of […]
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The Case of the Perilous Purse
Ladies, have you ever set down your purse without closing it completely and caught your dog checking it to see what’s inside? Believe it or not, there are items we often carry in our purses that can be deadly to dogs. Here are some of the items to keep out of your dog’s reach: Hand […]
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A Healthy Snack You Can Share With Your Dog
Kale is a great green leafy vegetable chock full of nutrients for us and our dogs. Even if you aren’t a big fan of kale in salad, here is a crunchy salty chip recipe that may just change your mind about it. Kale Chips Ingredients: Kale, Olive Oil, Salt Directions: Wash and thoroughly dry the […]
Continue ReadingWhen Your Dog’s Breath Can Clear a Room…
Party Marty on the scene, with oh-so-kissable breath! Hey! Word on the street is a few dogs in the ‘hood have been killing folks…with their stinky breath. We won’t put out any names, but we’ve mentioned a couple of them in our blog posts before. One of them can clear a room as soon as […]
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