Author Archive: Joy of Living

Healthy Meal Add-Ins For Dogs: Make Meals Tasty Again
Dogs can get tired of eating the same old food day in and day out. One longtime client, now a senior dog, has lost three pounds. Her owner indicated the dog doesn’t seem interested in her food, but when I visit and offer a treat, it is readily accepted and eaten. Disclosure: This post contains […]
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Fall Pet Care: Be Aware of Dangers To Keep Pets Safe
Many of you are excited about the changing seasons. As summer has slipped into autumn, we are all delighted with a veritable palate of color and emotion. The hot, sun-drenched days are replaced by cooler, crisp air, and thoughts of bon fires and comfy sweaters abound. All is well. However, make sure that your pet […]
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Dog’s Sense of Smell: What Dogs Learn From Scent
Have you noticed how thoroughly your dog sniffs you when you return home after being away? With a dog’s sense of smell (10,000 to 100,000 times keener than humans), he can determine our mood, or if we’re ill. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods purchased via these links, […]
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Resource Guarding in Dogs: How to Stop the Behavior
Usually, my dog J.R. is pretty easy going, with one exception. The presence of a Himalayan Chew Stick. J.R. would work on one of those for hours, but one day he set it down and I started to pick it up. He growled at me! Resource guarding has not been a problem before, this told […]
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Heat Stroke In Dogs: Pay Attention to Signs
Have you heard of hyperthermia? That is a rise in body temperature beyond the normal range. It usually occurs due to inflammation in the body or a hot environment. When a dog is exposed to extreme elevated temperatures, he can suffer from heat stroke or heat exhaustion. If your dog suffers from heat stroke, that […]
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Getting a Puppy? Answer These Questions First
A client of mine got a puppy a few weeks ago. The puppy is sweet and very cute, but their resident dog has not accepted having the puppy in their home. During the first week, my client was commenting on the lack of sleep since the puppy arrived. Adding a puppy to the family is […]
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Keep Your Dog From Becoming Lost
It’s scary how quickly a dog can become lost! There are several steps you can take to keep your dog from becoming lost. Here are some suggestions: Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We receive a small commission on goods purchased via these links, at no additional cost to you. Accompany your dog outside Often, dog […]
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Dogs Roll In Smelly Stuff: Why Do They Do It?
Ever been walking with your dog and suddenly he begins rolling in something smelly on the ground? The May 2020 issue of Whole Dog Journal shares reasons why dogs roll in smelly stuff.. Disclosure: This blog post contains an affiliate link. We receive a small commission on goods purchased via this link, at no additional […]
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What the Litterbox Can Tell You About Your Cat’s Health
Scooping your cat’s litterbox isn’t the most enjoyable chore, but it is a chance to learn some things about your cat’s health. Potential Health Concerns I can imagine this sounds strange, but when scooping the litterbox, here are a few things to watch for: Signs your cat has diarrhea or is constipated. If this becomes […]
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Easter Egg Hunt Fun With Find It Game
There will be many Easter egg hunts happening this weekend, so why not plan one for your dog or cat using the find it game? Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. We earn a small commission on goods purchased via these links, at no additional cost to you. Many of my pet clients love to […]
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