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Accidents Happen! Eliminate Pet Odors Naturally

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Party Marty, the hip, friendly and oh-so-cool cat who only puts his nose in the air when foul odors abound!

You have pets. You have well-trained pets. You may also have pets that, well, have accidents inside on occasion. You have pets…you have smells. It’s a fact of life. We have a few doggie friends who still have the occasional accidents on the carpet and those pesky odors must be eliminated. In the process, the dogs need to be effectively taught that the carpet is not a dumping ground, so to speak.

The Human Society of the United States has a few tips. First, you should soak up the urine. Simply place a thick layer of paper towels over the spot. On top of those, put several sheets of newspaper. Then, stand on the padding for a minute. Remove the papers and repeat the process until the area is just slightly damp.

Next, rinse the area with cold water and then remove as much as the water as possible by blotting the area dry or with a wet vacuum. This is a natural and harmless way to eliminate the odor without adding pesky chemicals into the mix, which are not good for your pets or for you!

Thanks to for sharing this information! Now, if you will excuse me, I have some business to take care of…in the litter box, of course! Go on…go home…log out…privacy, please! Geez!


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