A Healthy Snack You Can Share With Your Dog
Posted on July 16, 2012 by Joy of Living No comments

Kale is a great green leafy vegetable chock full of nutrients for us and our dogs. Even if you aren’t a big fan of kale in salad, here is a crunchy salty chip recipe that may just change your mind about it.
Kale Chips
Ingredients: Kale, Olive Oil, Salt
Wash and thoroughly dry the kale. If you have a salad spinner, it would work well for drying. Once dry, tear the kale into bite size pieces.
Drizzle kale with a small amount of olive oil (2 teaspoons should be enough) and toss to coat all pieces. Separate your dogs portion from yours.
Sprinkle your portion with salt, but be sure to leave your dog’s portion unsalted.
Arrange leaves in a single layer on a cookie sheet.
Bake at 350 degrees until the leaves are dark green and crispy, about 12-15 minutes. Let cool, then share them with your dog!