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A Cat is PURR-fectly Good Medicine!

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Party Marty here! Bear with me as I switch gears from Labor Day weekend mode, to, well, laboring over my blog post. What a fun time I had this weekend but I am back to the daily grind, doing what I do best: keeping you informed and entertained at the same time! It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!

So….when dishing out my thoughts today I have decided to speak about MORE reasons why cats are cool. I mean, it’s easy to see why I am cool, but I need to give a voice to cats everywhere. In short, we cats are PURR-fect…and do you know why? Well, I did some digging on the internet…well, actually, this came up in my Facebook feed…but I still found it interesting and I am here to prove it’s true…for me…remember, you have to decide for yourself what to believe when you read it online.

Here we go. Today’s topic is about cat purrs and why they are healthy for you!


  • If you pet a purring cat, it can calm your nerves. (It will also calm my nerves if you pet me!)
  • A cat’s purring frequency of 25 to 50 Hz is the best for lowering your blood pressure and purring between 100 Hz and 200 Hz is best for promoting bone strength.
  • A cat’s purring frequency between 20 Hz and 140 Hz is medically therapeutic for many illnesses.
  • The purring vibrations from a cat can help heal infections and swelling and they can also help heal soft tissue, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments.

And finally, did you know that cat owners enjoy 40% less risk of a heart attack? That is, until the owner finds the cat perched precariously on top of something that could result in death and destruction!

Well, this cat has to go practice his purring. I have lives to save! Thanks so much, and thanks to for this awesome information!