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What If They Had Opposable Thumbs Day?

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One thing that sets us apart from our pets is that we have opposable thumbs and they don’t, but what if……….

Today is the day to ponder the question, What If Cats and Dogs Had Opposable Thumbs?

Here are some things they might do:

  1. Give You a Thumbs Up: If your pet had thumbs, he would be giving you a thumbs up!
  2. Vacuum While You’re Out: I’ve often asked Jessie and Marty to do this..Maybe he or she will vacuum while you’re out! Only fair considering much of the mess is probably the result of shedding.
  3. Text Their Pals: If pets ever do have thumbs, you should make sure their text messaging plan is unlimited.
  4. Hog the Remote: You probably never realized that the only reason your pet likes to watch the same shows as you is because he can’t change the channels without thumbs. If your pet gets thumbs, there will be a power struggle for control of the remote, for sure.
  5. Surf the Internet: Want to spend some quality time with your pet? Too bad! Now that she has thumbs, nights will be spent surfing the Internet.
  6. Open the Refrigerator: I have no doubt at all this would be a go!

Think about it, what would YOUR pet do if he or she had opposable thumbs?



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