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The Best Pet Gift of 2012…and Beyond!

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Party Marty, the cool cat in the holiday spirit:  You know, I was going to write a post about the best gifts to give your pet this holiday season, and while we all love to get gifts (what self-respecting cat doesn’t enjoy a bit of cat nip at this special time of year?), after I spent so much time on the web looking for the hottest pet gifts of 2012, it hit me. While kids may be let down if they don’t get cool tools and gadgets under the tree or in their stockings, your pets really don’t mind, care, or even know for that matter. All they want is your love, time and attention.

So, I had a great idea. Instead of stressing yourself out shopping online for us or going to every pet store to find that ridiculously expensive gift (which is usually in the form of a tacky sweater that makes us look goofy, not adorable as you might like to think), consider giving a donation in your pet’s name to a local shelter. Those are the pets that really need the gift. Imagine how much good that can do.

Besides, we are truly happy if a scrap or two falls from the table during your holiday festivities. Really, it doesn’t take an iPad, an iPhone or any other “I” thing out there to make us happy. A simple “I love you” will do. Share the love this season and make a donation to a local shelter.


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