Foods To Share with Your Dog: 10 Snacks He’ll Love
Posted on August 7, 2019 by joyofliving No comments

Let’s face it….when you snack, your dog wants to snack. What is in your fridge is most likely far more appealing to him than what is in his dog food bowl. While many human foods are a strict “no-no” for your canine friends, there are several foods to share with your dog.
Thanks to, I am eating better tonight! Check out this amazing list of human foods we can actually enjoy right along with you:
Yes, dogs can eat carob, as, unlike chocolate, it does not contain caffeine or theobromine, which makes it deadly to dogs. Plus, it is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and pectin.
Yummy! However, opt for the plain and natural variety as opposed to those filled with sugar, salt and preservatives. And just a pinch goes a long way, as it is rich in calories and fat
Don’t just toss your dog a pear! Cut it up into manageable pieces. However, ditch the core. The seeds in it are toxic.
Movie time! You love your snacks and so does your dog! It’s ok for him to help you with that tub of popcorn, provided it has no salt or butter on it. Admit it….neither of you need the added fat and calories.
These are just bread, in reality. Be sure to serve the unsalted, low sodium variety, as it is better for your dog…and for you!
Be creative and don’t just throw a banana in your dog’s bowl. Cut up some strawberries, blueberries, apples, watermelon and bananas (NO grapes!) and make it look nice.
Dogs like the presentation, too. Watermelon is mostly water so serves as a good source of hydration on hot summer days. Remove any seeds before sharing with your dog, and don’t allow him to chew on the green part of the rind. Dogs cannot digest it.
Best.Snack.Ever. It is low in calories, full of potassium, folate and vitamins. Serve raw, steamed or cooked with NO seasoning.
Not just for cats, dogs love it, too. The taste is great but it also packs a punch with loads of protein, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids. When sharing canned tuna with your dog, use tuna packed in water, not oil.
Plain, please. Dogs don’t need that store brand pasta sauce. Too acidic. And make sure your dog is not allergic to wheat if preparing the wheat variety.
Add a little to homemade dog biscuits or give your dog a pinch to freshen his breath or even soothe an upset stomach. Avoid pennyroyal mint, it is toxic for pets and people.
Although these are safe foods to share with your dog, do so in moderation.