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Losing A Canine Comedienne

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For the second time in less than a week, I find myself writing a tribute to a canine client that lost her battle with cancer.  Much as I enjoy my work, this aspect of the job hasn’t gotten any easier with time.

Jazzy was a force of nature, most definitely.  Adored by her human, she had a very strong point of view and communicated it quite well to those around her.  Jazz would get upset if her mom had to be gone for what she considered too long, and would “punish” her by going potty in a particular place in the living room.

Before complications of her illness began, Jazz absolutely LOVED playing laser light.  She knew which drawer the light was kept in, and would lead me there, looking at me then at the drawer as if to say “it’s in there, get it so we can play!”   A while ago, we started playing the find it game, I would hide cookies around the apartment and she would sniff them out, I was never able to stump her.

Jazzy was almost human in the way she communicated and her sense of humor.  She and her mom were quite the team, and when her mom called today to tell me today was Jazzy’s last day, I knew how much of a loss Jazzy’s passing would be for her.

I hope a cure comes in the near future for canine cancer.  It’s taken too many great dogs before their time.  As for Ms. Jazzy, she will be missed terribly, but a spirit as strong as her’s will live on, watching over her mom as she always did when she was here.

Take care, beautiful girl, see you again one day!



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