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Just You Weight and See….It’s time for the Holidays! Don’t Tip the Scales Towards Obesity in Your Pets!

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pet's ideal weight

Thanksgiving is almost here, and most of us overindulge on great food.  We also like to include our pets in the feast and they might be on the road to obesity if their weight isn’t kept in check. Do you know your pet’s ideal weight range?

Sadly, approximately 58% of cats and 54% of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The website has a helpful chart showing pet’s ideal weight ranges, and a few are listed below.


  • Labrador Retriever:   65-80 pounds
  • German Shepherd:  75-95 pounds
  • Yorkshire Terrier:  Less than 7 pounds
  • Golden Retriever:  65-75 pounds
  • Beagle:  18-30 pounds
  • Boxers:  50-75 pounds
  • Bulldogs:  40-50 pounds
  • Dachshunds:  Mini:  8-10 pounds
  • Poodles:  Mini:  11-17 pounds
  • Shih Tzus:  8-16 pounds


  • Domestic cat:  8-10 pounds
  • Persian:  7-12 pounds
  • Siamese:  5-10 pounds
  • Maine Coon:  10-25 pounds

Minimize the amount of Thanksgiving goodies you share with your pet.  A couple of small pieces of white meat turkey and a spoonful of sweet potatoes (plain with no marshmallows or other spices) is a great meal for dogs or cats.

With so much good food to choose from, it’s difficult to not overindulge.  We, humans and pets, will feel much better, though, if we have smaller portions.  Smaller portions equate many more leftover options, yes!

Does your pet fall into a healthy range? If not, consult with your veterinarian on a plan to get your pet back into the “safe zone!”

Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


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