How to Tell if You Truly Are a Cat Person!
Posted on September 7, 2012 by Joy of Living No comments

The Spirit of Bo, returning with words of wisdom from beyond: Are you a cat person? How would you know if you truly are? Here are a few defining sentiments in that regard, as borrowed from
- You can meow so convincingly that you are able to fake out your own cat.
- You have mistakenly called your spouse by the cat’s name.
- To you, your cat is your furry kid.
- You have purchased or rented a place solely based on it having the perfect spot to put the litter box.
- You find cat hair in your food, and instead of being grossed out, you consider it a good form of protein.
- You struggle in conversation with others who have no cats.
- You have slept on the edge of the bed so you don’t disturb the cat sleeping comfortably in the middle.
- You have pictures of your cat in your wallet.
- When you go to the bathroom, you think in terms of “using the litter box.”
- You have a big celebration for your cat’s birthday.
I bet some of you see yourself in a few of these sentiments. I bet some of you see yourself in ALL of them. If so, maybe it’s time to get a dog! (And if that suggestion offended you, you are most definitely a cat person!)