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So, A Group of Dogs (and one sly cat!) Gather to Change a Light Bulb, and Here’s What Happens….

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Party Marty here! The incredibly gifted cat eager to share the love! TGIF! I don’t know about any of you, but I have an amazing weekend ahead….naps, lounging in the sun, eating, another nap….such a full schedule. As such, I will remain fairly occupied for the next couple of days so thought I would just leave you with a Friday laugh….

Thanks to, I came across a funny joke to share…..about dogs, yes….it’s my job to poke fun of the canine kind, you know!  So….the $64,000 question is….How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb? Game on…Go….

  • A Golden Retriever might say:  The sun is shining; the day is young; we have our whole lives ahead of us and you are worried about a stupid burned out bulb?
  • A Border collie might reply:  Just one. And then I will replace any wiring that is not up to code.
  • A Rottweiler might demand:  Make me.
  • A Lab would probably say: Oh, pick me! Pick me!  Please can I change the light bulb? Can I? Can I? Huh????
  • A Jack Russell Terrier might say:  I will just pop it in while I am bouncing off the walls and furniture.
  • A Doberman pinscher could say: While it is dark, I think I am going to sleep on the couch.
  • A Mastiff wouldn’t care, as Mastiffs are not afraid of the dark.
  • A Pointer will proclaim:  I see it!  There it is!  Right there!

And, finally, a cat would point out: Dogs can’t change light bulbs. People do. So…how much longer before I can expect some light?



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