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pet behavior

Cats and Table Scraps Don’t Go Together


Jessie, the adorable dog who knows more than the cat around here:  Hi!  I am back on the scene. I have been laying low for awhile, but now that the holidays are in full swing, I decided to speak my mind and enjoy the results!  So, in preparation for the first big feast of the […]

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  November 21, 2011   No comments

Five Rewards For Your Dog, Other Than Food


For dogs, food is great, they love it, but rewarding them with treats all the time can lead to obesity, and we know the down side to that!  Looking for some alternatives to treats as rewards for your dog?  Check out these suggestions from Whole Dog Journal: Play with your dog.  What dog doesn’t like […]

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  July 11, 2011   No comments

Can’t Get the Dog to Sleep Through the Night?


Bo, the cat who can sleep anytime, anywhere, anyhow: Sometimes when you bring that new pet home, rescue or not, it can exhibit trouble sleeping through the night. He is in a new environment, quite possibly scared, anxious, and worried.  Even our dear friend, Bolt, a lovable Yorkie-Poo, likes to keep his owner up at night, […]

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  October 18, 2010   No comments

Is Your Dog Getting Enough of the Right Exercise?


Different dog breeds have varying exercise needs.  Small companion breeds, such as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, don’t need strenous workouts, but do need good exercise and stimulation.  Working breeds, like the Border Collie, are bred for stamina making their exercise needs much more strenuous.  Consider the activity your dog’s breed was meant to perform, […]

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  March 28, 2010   No comments